
Basic Guide



Tier 2

타락한 기사Fallen KnightStr
혈기사Blood KnightStr

Tier 3

디펜드 마스터Master DefenderStr
다크나이트Dark KnightStr
피의 군주BloodlordStr
듀얼블레이드Dual BladeAgi
창기사Speer KnightAgi
대사제High PriestInt
대마검사High SwordmageInt


Description Name Requirement Location
Zone 1 늑대의 숲
Wolf's Forest
Lv.1 1st Town
Zone 2 거미의 늪
Spider's Swamp
Lv.1 1st Town
Zone 3 펄볼그인 숲
Furbolg Forest
Lv.1 1st Town
Zone 4 산적의 마을
Bandit's Village
Lv.1 1st Town
Zone 5 도시 아르덴으로 가는 걸
Road to the city of Arden
Lv.1 1st Town
Zone 6 하급 마물 서식지
Lesser Monster Habitat (Left)
Lv.1 2nd Town
Zone 7 상급 마물 서식지
Greater Evil Habitat (Right)
Lv.1 2nd Town
Zone 8 사계절의 땅
Four Seasons
Lv.150 3rd Town
Zone 9 청정의 숲
Forest of purity
Lv.200 3rd Town
Zone 10 고대의 강
Ancient River
Lv.200 3rd Town
Description Name Requirement Location
Awakening 각성 던전
Awakening Dungeon
Lv.200 3rd Town
Awakening 초월 던전
Transcendence Dungeon
Lv.500 3rd Town
Dungeon 1 아젤란의 거처
Azelan's Residence
Tier 3 3rd Town
Dungeon 2 영혼의 숲
Soul forest
Allstats: 600+ 1st Raid Zone
Dungeon 3 꽃의 성벽
Flower Castle
◆◆ Those who purify the Forest / ◆◆ 영혼의 숲을 정화한 자 1st Raid Zone
Dungeon 4 빛과 어둠의 제단
Altar of light and darkness
◆◆◆ Torch / ◆◆◆ 성화 1st Raid Zone
Dungeon 5 신 마벨 중앙
New Marvel Center
◈ Gear 1st Raid Zone
Dungeon 6 미노타우로스 / Minotaur ◈◈◈◈◈ Gear 2nd Raid Zone
Description Name Requirement Location
Raid 1.1 골렘의 터전
Golems Cave
Tier 3 3rd Town
Raid 1.2 부패한 왕국
Corrupt Kingdom
Tier 3 3rd Town
Raid 1.3 현상금 수배 흑마법사
Bounty Wanted Warlock
Tier 3 3rd Town
Raid 2.1 도적왕의 은신처
Thief King's Hideout
Allstats: 600+ 1st Raid Zone
Raid 2.2 악마 토벌 명령
Defeat Demon Commander
Allstats: 600+ 1st Raid Zone
Raid 2.3 검은 현자 저지
Black sage jersey
Allstats: 600+ 1st Raid Zone
Raid 3.1 기 마왕에게 도전
Challenge the Horse King
◆◆ Those who purify the Forest / ◆◆ 영혼의 숲을 정화한 자 1st Raid Zone
Raid 3.2 최상급 악마 토벌
Defeat ancestral demon
◆◆ Those who purify the Forest / ◆◆ 영혼의 숲을 정화한 자 1st Raid Zone
Raid 3.3 현상금 수배 흑마법사
Defeat Death Wraith
◆◆ Those who purify the Forest / ◆◆ 영혼의 숲을 정화한 자 1st Raid Zone
Raid 4 마벨 중앙
Marvell center
◆◆◆ Torch / ◆◆◆ 성화 1st Raid Zone
Raid 4.1 봉인된 용사 루긴
Sealed Champion Lugin
◆◆◆ Torch / ◆◆◆ 성화 마벨 중앙 동쪽
Marvell center East
Raid 4.2 봉인된 명궁 제인
Sealed Bow Master Jane
◆◆◆ Torch / ◆◆◆ 성화 마벨 중앙 북쪽
Marvell center North
Raid 4.3 봉인된 마녀 레이나
Sealed Witch Reina
◆◆◆ Torch / ◆◆◆ 성화 마벨 중앙 서쪽
Marvell center West
Raid 4.4 남쪽의 패왕 류크
Ryuk, King of the South
◆◆◆ Torch / ◆◆◆ 성화 마벨 중앙 남쪽
Marvell center South
Raid 5.1 실험체 키메라 처치
Defeat the Experimental chimera
◆◆◆◆ Luminous silk / ◆◆◆◆ 야광명주 1st Raid Zone
Raid 5.2 추방된 타락용사 토벌
Defeat the Exiled Corruptor
◆◆◆◆ Luminous silk / ◆◆◆◆ 야광명주 1st Raid Zone
Raid 6 지옥의 악마 후작 토벌
Defeat the Demon Marquis of Hell
◆◆◆◆◆ Gear 1st Raid Zone
Raid 7 지옥의 악마 공작 토벌
Defeat the Demon Duke of Hell
◈ Gear 1st Raid Zone
Raid 8 수호신의 시험
Guardian Deity's Test
◈ Mark of God Marvel / ◈ 신 마벨의 징표 1st Raid Zone
Raid 9 야수왕의 분노
Beast King's Wrath
◈ Mark of God Marvel / ◈ 신 마벨의 징표 2nd Raid Zone
Raid 10 빙극의 우데일
Ice Pole Udale
◈◈◈◈ Gear 2nd Raid Zone
Raid 11.1 고대룡
◈◈◈◈◈ Gear 2nd Raid Zone
Raid 11.2 고대룡 가르닐
Ancient Dragon Garnil
◈◈◈◈◈ Gear 2nd Raid Zone
Description Name Requirement Location
Wings 1 그린 드래곤의 둥지
Green Dragon's Nest
Lv.300 Zone 9
Wings 2 블루 드래곤의 둥지
Blue Dragon's Nest
Tier 3 3rd Town
Wings 3 불과 어둠의 땅
Land of Fire and Darkness
Allstats: 600+ 1st Raid Zone
Wings 4.1 어둠 심판관의 거처
Dark Judge's Residence
◆◆◆ Torch / ◆◆◆ 성화 1st Raid Zone
Wings 4.2 백화조의 둥지
Swan's nest
◆◆◆ Torch / ◆◆◆ 성화 1st Raid Zone
Wings 5.1 마물왕 노아의 거처
Evil King Noah's abode
◈ Gear 1st Raid Zone
Wings 5.2 대천사의 시험
Archangel's Test
◈ Gear 1st Raid Zone
Wings 6 해룡 데이다르
Sea Dragon Dadar
◈◈◈◈◈ Gear 2nd Raid Zone

Each tier gives the Hero a new Spell.
To tierup you need to step on the Glowing Plates locaded inside the 2nd City Lv.40

Tier 0 decides what Type of Hero you gonna play
Tier 1 needs an item and Lv.40, you drop at a Boss of Zone 6 (Job change / 번전직서) With this tier you decide what profession you gonna play
Tier 2 needs an item and Lv.200, you need to craft (★★★ Token of Awakening / ★★★ 각성의 증표)
Tier 3 needs an item and Lv.500, you need to craft (★★★★★ Mark of Transcendence / ★★★★★ 초월의 증표)


  • Dragon Hatchling = 45% Droprate
  • Dragon = 100% Droprate

  • Raid 1 = 20% Droprate
  • Raid 2 = 20% Droprate
  • Raid 3 = 20% Droprate
  • Raid 4 = 20% Droprate
  • Raid 5 = 20% Droprate
  • Raid 6 = 6% Droprate
  • Raid 7 = 6% Droprate
  • Raid 8 = 6% Droprate
  • Raid 9 = 6% Droprate
  • Raid 10 = 3% Droprate

  • Korean Commands

  • -시야 50~170 - Camera zooms in or out
  • -cam 50~170 - Camera zooms in or out

  • -자살 - kills your hero
  • -suicide - kills your hero

  • -주사위 - dice a randome nummber out of 0-100
  • -dice - dice a randome nummber out of 0-100

  • -조합 - combien items (used for crafting)

  • -save - Saves your hero into a file (as many times you want)
  • -load - Loads the hero you saved before (can just be used befor picking a hero)

  • Item rating
    Items come in diffrent ratings, each rating range from 1-5

    [☆] Normal Blue Box
    [★] Rare Red Box
    [◇] Seald Purple Box
    [◆] Unique Purple Box
    [◈] Legendary Gold Box
    [▣] God Red Box

    Unifont Reforged


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