
Zone Guide

First Zone (Start Village)
This is the Spawning area, to enter type -suicide or if you are in a city go to the Mage, she sells scrolls and the first one takes you to Spawn area.
Start Village - Moving Managers - Using Dru Pin Card Area (first Order Form)

Second Zone (Dru Pin)
You need to be T2 or higher to enter.
Start Village - Moving Managers - Using Dru Pin Card Area (second Order Form)

Third Zone (Lucca Village)
You need to be T2 or higher to enter.
Start Village - Moving Managers - Using Lucca Village Card Area (fourth Order Form).

Rift Zone (Deep Meier)
(1) Lucca - Suspicious Desert Zone - Remains of the Dreamland - Two-Dimensional Pathway - Balance Adjuster Lundra - Red Soulstone
(2) Start Village (Missoure) - Contaminated Grove - Destiny Path - Possession over crafted Clean Dow - Crack of Dimension
To enter the Rift Zone you need to kill the Druid boss in the Lv.550 area, you can enter that area with the Rusty key that drops from golems (blue item). After you kill him, a Portal will pop up behind him, you can go through with the Red Soulstone.
If you have the Spirit Soulstone you can skip this and just go to the green lightning near the T1 Boss

Tomb Zone (The kingdom of screaming - The Hall of Rituals)
You can enter this Zone with the Chaos Soul and Lv.1200, the entery is in the Rift Zone on bottom of the forest. if you enter you need to kill a boss after you kill him, a Portal will pop up near him, the portal had a Level Required from 1400.
Type in 절규의왕국 (use utfizer. to decode) to enter instant.

Portal Zone (Various Dimensions)
to get ther you need the "immortal Soul" than type in 신위의다리 (use utfizer. to decode) after that a text will appear, if you now respawn (dont work whit return) you are in the portal zone